Insomnia and Dreaminess
Insomnia is the result of insufficient or poor sleep quality, while dreaminess is a manifestation of blurred consciousness and weakened ability to perceive reality.
The portable laser acupuncture device comes in various styles and models, designed to meet different needs. It uses laser light to stimulate acupuncture points, improving Qi and blood circulation while relieving discomforts like cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, and lumbar disc herniation. It also boosts immunity and promotes blood flow for effective therapy.
Multiple styles and models to suit different needs.,Uses laser light to stimulate acupuncture points, improving circulation and alleviating discomfort.,Easy to use, no professional required, ideal for home use.,Boosts immunity and enhances the body’s self-repair capabilities.
Choose the appropriate model for efficient treatment.,Position the device on the treatment area and use laser light to stimulate acupuncture points.,Simple to use, no professional skills needed for self-treatment.
Relieves chronic conditions like cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, and lumbar disc herniation.,Suitable for office workers, elderly, athletes, and anyone seeking relief.,Promotes immunity, circulation, and physical strength for overall health.
The laser acupuncture physical suction cup is a traditional Chinese device made from high-quality, durable materials. It uses negative pressure to attach to the skin, and laser light stimulates acupuncture points, improving Qi and blood flow while relieving fatigue and muscle pain.
Easy to use and suitable for multiple treatment areas.,Suction cups in various sizes and strengths for customizable therapy.,No medical expertise required, even beginners can use it.,Portable and easy to store for convenient use anytime, anywhere.
Attach the suction cup to the treatment area using negative pressure.,Laser light stimulates acupuncture points, improving circulation and relieving discomfort.,Simple to operate, no professional skills required.
Relieves fatigue, muscle pain, neck and shoulder soreness, and lower back discomfort.,Can be used at home, in the office, or while traveling.,Ideal for daily fatigue, post-exercise recovery, and elderly care.
Goji Berries
Nourishes liver & kidneys, improves eyesight, calms the mind
Boosts energy, nourishes blood, strengthens the body
Longan Dried Fruit
Nourishes blood, calms the mind, boosts energy
Moisturizes lungs, relieves cough, clears heat
Reishi Mushroom
Boosts immunity, regulates body
Boosts energy, strengthens the body
Regulates qi, relieves bloating
Tonifies spleen, boosts immunity
White Peony
Nourishes blood, softens liver, relieves pain
Chinese Yam
Tonifies qi, nourishes yin, strengthens spleen
Cinnamon Twig
Induces sweating, relieves cold, warms yang
Red Dates
Nourishes blood, strengthens spleen & stomach
Goji Leaves
Clears liver, improves eyesight
Strengthens spleen, expels dampness
Longan Flesh
Nourishes heart, calms the mind, boosts energy
Clears heat, detoxifies, improves eyesight
Relieves cold, soothes liver, regulates qi
Immature Bitter Orange
Regulates qi, aids digestion
Regulates liver, relieves pain, aids menstruation
Aids digestion, promotes circulation
Angelica Sinensis
Nourishes blood, regulates menstruation, relieves pain
Reishi Spore Powder
Boosts immunity, anti-fatigue
Promotes circulation, strengthens tendons & bones
Clears heat, detoxifies